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            EEPW首頁(yè) > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)用 > SOC時(shí)序分析中的跳變點(diǎn)


            作者: 時(shí)間:2010-09-21 來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏

              附錄 A:在SDF中考慮負(fù)互連時(shí)延的腳本


              print n***************RUNNING PERL SCRIPT****nn;

              if (!exists $ARGV[0] || !exists $ARGV[1]) { print USAGE:: negativedelinsdf_assarray.plnn; exit;


              open(FILEA,$ARGV[0]) || die (ERROR:: SDF file $ARGV[0] cannot be opened for reADIngn);

              open(file1, >$ARGV[1]) || die (ERROR:: file $ARGV[1] cannot be opened for writingn);


              { $line = $_;

              $line1 = $line;

              $line =~ s/^s+//g ;

              if ( $line =~ INTERCONNECT.*-[0-9]) ######## FINDING NEGATIVE INTERCONNECT ######


              @array1 = split(/s+/,$line);

              $count = @array1;

              if ($count == 4){ ## To accont for the fact that only one INTERCONNECT triplet is present

              $array1[$count]= $array1[$count-1];

              $count = $count + 1;


              for($i=0;$i= $count -3;$i++)

              {print file1 $array1[$i] ;}

              $value2 = $array1[$count -1];

              $value1 = $array1[$count -2];

              $instance_name = $array1[2];

              @instance = split(///,$instance_name);

              $count2 = @instance;

              $pin_name = $instance[$count2 -1]; ####### GETTING LOAD INSTANCE PIN NAME ###############

              $instance_name =~ s//[^(.*/)][A-Z0-9a-z_[0-9]+]*$//g; ####### GETTING LOAD INSTANCE NAME ###############

              if( $value1 =~ ::)

              { $value1 =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value1 = split(/::/,$value1);

              $load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name} = $correct_value1[0];

              $load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name} = $correct_value1[1];

              if($correct_value1[0] = -0.0) #####NEGATIVE CHANGED TO ZERO DELAY######

              {$correct_value1[0] = 0.000;}

              if($correct_value1[1] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value1[1] = 0.000;}

              print file1 ($correct_value1[0]::$correct_value1[1]);


              elsif( $value1 =~ :[^:])

              { $value1 =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value1 = split(/:/,$value1);

              $load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name} = $correct_value1[0];

              $load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name} = $correct_value1[1];

              $load_correct_value1_2{$instance_name} = $correct_value1[2];

              if($correct_value1[0] = -0.0) #####NEGATIVE CHANGED TO ZERO DELAY######

              {$correct_value1[0] = 0.000;}

              if($correct_value1[1] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value1[1] = 0.000;}

              if($correct_value1[2] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value1[2] = 0.000;}

              print file1 ($correct_value1[0]:$correct_value1[1]:$correct_value1[2]);


              else{print file1 $value1 ;}

              if( $value2 =~ ::)

              { $value2 =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value2 = split(/::/,$value2);

              $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name} = $correct_value2[0]; ########NEGATIVE CHANGED TO ZERO DELAY#####

              $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name} = $correct_value2[1];

              if($correct_value2[0] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value2[0] = 0.000;}

              if($correct_value2[1] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value2[1] = 0.000;}

              if ($correct_value1[0] == $correct_value2[0] $correct_value1[1] == $correct_value2[1] ) { # Print these values only if they are differnet from the already printed values for the INTERCONNECT

              print file1 )n;

              } else {

              print file1 ($correct_value2[0]::$correct_value2[1]))n;



              elsif( $value2 =~ :[^:])

              { $value2 =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value2 = split(/:/,$value2);

              $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name} = $correct_value2[0]; ########NEGATIVE CHANGED TO ZERO DELAY#####

              $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name} = $correct_value2[1];

              $load_correct_value2_2{$instance_name} = $correct_value2[2];

              if($correct_value2[0] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value2[0] = 0.000;}

              if($correct_value2[1] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value2[1] = 0.000;}

              if($correct_value2[2] = -0.0)

              {$correct_value2[2] = 0.000;}

              if ($correct_value1[0] == $correct_value2[0] $correct_value1[1] == $correct_value2[1] $correct_value1[2] == $correct_value2[2]) { # Print these values only if they are differnet from the already printed values for the INTERCONNECT

              print file1 )n;

              } else {

              print file1 ($correct_value2[0]:$correct_value2[1]:$correct_value2[2]))n;



              $load_instance{$instance_name} = $instance_name; ##SAVE ALL LOAD INSTACES FOR NEG DELAY IN THE ASIATIVE ARRAY##

              $load_pin{$instance_name.$pin_name} = $pin_name; ##SAVE ALL LOAD PINS FOR NEG DELAY IN THE ASIATIVE ARRAY##


              elsif ($line =~ CELL ) {

              print file1 $line;

              $find = 0;




              print file1 $line1;

              @array2 = split(/s+/,$line);

              $instance_name2 = $array2[1]; ##GETTING THE LOAD INSTANCE NAME FOUND HERE##########

              $instance_name2 =~ s/[()]//g;

              $instance_definition{$instance_name2} = $instance_name2 ;

              if(exists $load_instance{$instance_name2}) ####COMPARE INSTANCE NAME WITH THAT SAVED IN ASSO ARRAY#####


              if($load_instance{$instance_name2} eq $instance_name2)

              {$find = 1;}



              elsif($line =~ IOPATH $find == 1) ##AFTER INSTANCES ARE FOUND CHECKING FOR CORRSPONDING PINS######


              @array4 = split(/s+/,$line);

              if ($array4[0] =~ COND ) { ## Take care of COND statements

              $pin_name2 = $array4[3];

              } else {

              $pin_name2 = $array4[1];


              if($line =~ IOPATH exists $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} ) {

              if ( $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} eq $pin_name2 )


              @array3 = split(/s+/,$line);

              $count3 = @array3 ;

              @value_IOPATH = ; # This is to initialize the array to blank

              if ($array3[0] =~ COND ) {

              for ($j=5; $j=$count3 ; $j++) {

              $value_IOPATH[$j-5] = $array3[$j];

              $value_IOPATH_width = @value_IOPATH;

              if ($count3 == 6) { #### In case there is only one triplet for COND.*IOPATH

              $value_IOPATH[1] = $value_IOPATH[0];


              #$value1_IOPATH = $array3[5];

              #$value2_IOPATH = $array3[6];


              $constant_fields = 4;

              } elsif ($array3[0] =~ IOPATH) {

              for ($k=3; $k=$count3 ; $k++) {

              $value_IOPATH[$k-3] = $array3[$k];

              $value_IOPATH_width = @value_IOPATH;

              if ($count3 == 4) { #### In case there is only one triplet for IOPATH

              $value_IOPATH[1] = $value_IOPATH[0];


              #$value1_IOPATH = $array3[3];

              #$value2_IOPATH = $array3[4];


              $constant_fields = 2;


              for($i=0;$i= $constant_fields;$i++)

              {print file1 $array3[$i] ;}

              if( $value_IOPATH[0] =~ ::) ####CORRECT OR ACCOMODATING THE NEG DELAY VALUES HERE #########

              { $value_IOPATH[0] =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value1_IOPATH = split(/::/,$value_IOPATH[0]);

              if(exists $load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2}) {

              if($load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2} 0.0) { # So that only negative delay value triplet is changed in the IOPATH syntax

              if ( abs($load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2}) $correct_value1_IOPATH[0] ) { ###the absolute value to negative delay is larger than the timing of load arc. ######

              $correct_value1_IOPATH[0] = $correct_value1_IOPATH[0] + $load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2};

              } else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}



              if(exists $load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2})

              { if( $load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2} 0.0) {

              if ( abs($load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2}) $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] ) {

              $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] = $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] + $load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2};}

              else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}}}

              print file1 ($correct_value1_IOPATH[0]::$correct_value1_IOPATH[1]);


              elsif( $value_IOPATH[0] =~ :[^:]) ####CORRECT OR ACCOMODATING THE NEG DELAY VALUES HERE #########

              { $value_IOPATH[0] =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value1_IOPATH = split(/:/,$value_IOPATH[0]);

              if(exists $load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2}) {

              if($load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2} 0.0) { # So that only negative delay value triplet is changed in the IOPATH syntax

              if ( abs($load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2}) $correct_value1_IOPATH[0] ) {

              $correct_value1_IOPATH[0] = $correct_value1_IOPATH[0] + $load_correct_value1_0{$instance_name2};

              } else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}



              if(exists $load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2}) {

              if($load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2} 0.0) { # So that only negative delay value triplet is changed in the IOPATH syntax

              if ( abs($load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2}) $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] ) {

              $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] = $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] + $load_correct_value1_1{$instance_name2};

              } else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}



              if(exists $load_correct_value1_2{$instance_name2}) {

              if($load_correct_value1_2{$instance_name2} 0.0) { # So that only negative delay value triplet is changed in the IOPATH syntax

              if ( abs($load_correct_value1_2{$instance_name2}) $correct_value1_IOPATH[2] ) {

              $correct_value1_IOPATH[2] = $correct_value1_IOPATH[2] + $load_correct_value1_2{$instance_name2};

              } else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}



              print file1 ($correct_value1_IOPATH[0]:$correct_value1_IOPATH[1]:$correct_value1_IOPATH[2]);


              else{print file1 $value_IOPATH[0] ;} # This is to print empty brackets in case rise and fall triplets are empty

              if( $value_IOPATH[1] =~ ::)

              { $value_IOPATH[1] =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value2_IOPATH = split(/::/,$value_IOPATH[1]);

              if(exists $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2}) {

              if( $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2} 0.0)

              { if ( abs($load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2}) $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] ) {

              $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] = $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] + $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2};}

              else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}}}

              if(exists $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2}) {

              if( $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2} 0.0)

              { if ( abs($load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2}) $correct_value2_IOPATH[1] ) {

              $correct_value2_IOPATH[1] = $correct_value2_IOPATH[1] + $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2};}

              else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}}}

              if ($correct_value1_IOPATH[0] == $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] == $correct_value2_IOPATH[1]) { # Print these values only if they are differnet from the already printed values for the IOPATH

              } else {

              print file1 ($correct_value2_IOPATH[0]::$correct_value2_IOPATH[1]);



              elsif( $value_IOPATH[1] =~ :[^:])

              { $value_IOPATH[1] =~ s/[()]//g;

              @correct_value2_IOPATH = split(/:/,$value_IOPATH[1]);

              if(exists $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2}) {

              if( $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2} 0.0) {

              if ( abs($load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2}) $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] ) {

              $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] = $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] + $load_correct_value2_0{$instance_name2};}

              else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}}}

              if(exists $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2}) {

              if( $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2} 0.0) {

              if ( abs($load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2}) $correct_value2_IOPATH[1] ) {

              $correct_value2_IOPATH[1] = $correct_value2_IOPATH[1] + $load_correct_value2_1{$instance_name2};}

              else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}}}

              if(exists $load_correct_value2_2{$instance_name2}) {

              if( $load_correct_value2_2{$instance_name2} 0.0) {

              if ( abs($load_correct_value2_2{$instance_name2}) $correct_value2_IOPATH[2] ) {

              $correct_value2_IOPATH[2] = $correct_value2_IOPATH[2] + $load_correct_value2_2{$instance_name2};}

              else { print IOPATH delay for $load_pin{$instance_name2.$pin_name2} of $instance_name2 is smaller than the INTERCONNECT delay n;}}}

              if ($correct_value1_IOPATH[0] == $correct_value2_IOPATH[0] $correct_value1_IOPATH[1] == $correct_value2_IOPATH[1] $correct_value1_IOPATH[2] == $correct_value2_IOPATH[2]) { # Print these values only if they are differnet from the already printed values for the IOPATH

              } else {

              print file1 ($correct_value2_IOPATH[0]:$correct_value2_IOPATH[1]:$correct_value2_IOPATH[2]);



              else{print file1 $value_IOPATH[1] ;} # This is to print empty brackets in case rise and fall triplets are empty

              for ($m=2;$m=$value_IOPATH_width;$m++) {

              if (exists $value_IOPATH[$m]) {

              $value_IOPATH[$m] =~ s/)+/)/; # To account for the brackets

              print file1 $value_IOPATH[$m];



              if ($array4[0] =~ COND ) { ## Extra bracket for COND statements

              print file1 ))n;

              } else {print file1 )n;}




              {print file1 $line1;} #######DUMPING OUT OF SDF IN FILE1######################



              {print file1 $line1;}




              open(FILEA,$ARGV[0]) || die (ERROR:: SDF file $ARGV[0] cannot be opened for readingn);

              print nn#############REPORTING INSTANCES WHOSE DEFINITION IS NOT THERE IN THE SDF#############n;



              $line2 = $_;

              $line2 =~ s/^s+//g ;

              if ( $line2 =~ INTERCONNECT.*-[0-9])

              { @array4 = split(/s+/,$line2);

              $instance_name3 = $array4[2];

              $instance_name3 =~ s//[^(.*/)][A-Z0-9a-z_[0-9]+]*$//g;

              if(exists $instance_definition{$instance_name3})



              {print $line2;}




              print n;

            上一頁(yè) 1 2 3 4 下一頁(yè)

            關(guān)鍵詞: 分析 時(shí)序 SOC



