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            EEPW首頁 > 模擬技術(shù) > 設計應用 > 光電耦合器件


            作者: 時間:2011-11-07 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏
            R> +--------------+

            A |1 +--+ 6| B
            K |2 4N25 5| C
            |3 4| E

            Dual optocouplers.
            1A |1 +--+ 8| 1E
            1K |2 CNY 7| 1C
            2K |3 74-2 6| 2C
            2A |4 5| 2E

            Quad optocouplers.
            1A |1 +--+ 16| 1E
            1K |2 15| 1C
            2K |3 14| 2C
            2A |4 CNY 13| 2E
            3A |5 74-4 12| 3E
            3K |6 11| 3C
            4K |7 10| 4C
            4A |8 9| 4E

            HDSP-4401, HDSP-M401, HDSP-4501, HDSP-5101
            Common row anode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
            Col1 |1 +--+ 18| Row1
            | |
            Row3 |3 16| Row2
            Col2 |4 15| Col4
            | 5x7 LED |
            Row5 |6 matrix 13| Row4
            | |
            Row6 |8 11| Col5
            Row7 |9 10| Col3

            HDSP-4403, HDSP-M403, HDSP-4503, HDSP-5103
            Common row cathode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
            Row1 |1 +--+ 18| Col5
            | |
            Col3 |3 16| Row2
            Row3 |4 15| Row4
            | 5x7 LED |
            Col1 |6 matrix 13| Row5
            | |
            Col2 |8 11| Col4
            Row7 |9 10| Row6

            HDSP-4701, HDSP-L101, HDSP-L201, HDSP-5401, TC07-11
            Common row anode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
            Col1 |1 +--+ 12| Row1
            Row3 |2 11| Row2
            Col2 |3 5x7 10| Col3
            Row5 |4 LED 9| Row4
            Row6 |5 8| Col5
            Row7 |6 7| Col4

            HDSP-4703, HDSP-L103, HDSP-L203, HDSP-5403
            Common row cathode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
            Row1 |1 +--+ 12| Col5
            Row2 |2 11| Row3
            Col2 |3 5x7 10| Row4
            Col1 |4 LED 9| Col4
            Row6 |5 8| Row5
            Row7 |6 7| Col3

            Linear amplifier optocoupler.
            A |1 +--+ 6| VCC
            K |2 5010 5| GND
            |3 4| OUT

            Optocoupler with IR diode and transistor output configuration.
            |1 +--+ 8| VCC
            A |2 7| B
            K |3 6N135 6| C
            |4 5| E

            6N138, 6N139
            Optocoupler with IR diode and darlington transistor output configuration.
            |1 +--+ 8| VCC
            A |2 7| B
            K |3 6N138 6| C
            |4 5| GND

            Dual optocouplers.
            1A |1 +--+ 8| 1C
            1K |2 MCT 7| 1E
            2A |3 9001 6| 2C
            2K |4 5| 2E

            上一頁 1 2 下一頁

            關(guān)鍵詞: 光電 耦合



