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      EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統(tǒng) > 設(shè)計應(yīng)用 > PIC 、APIC(IOAPIC LAPIC)


      作者: 時間:2016-12-15 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
      1. Overview


      PIC全稱Programmable Interrupt Controller,通常是指Intel 8259A雙片級聯(lián)構(gòu)成的最多支持15個interrupts的中斷控制系統(tǒng)。APIC全稱Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller,APIC是為了多核平臺而設(shè)計的。它由兩個部分組成IOAPICLAPIC,其中IOAPIC通常位于南橋中用于處理橋上的設(shè)備所產(chǎn)生的各種中斷,LAPIC則是每個CPU都會有一個。IOAPIC通過APICBUS(現(xiàn)在都是通過FSB/QPI)將中斷信息分派給每顆CPU的LAPIC,CPU上的LAPIC能夠智能的決定是否接受系統(tǒng)總線上傳遞過來的中斷信息,而且它還可以處理Local端中斷的pending、nesting、masking,以及IOAPIC于Local CPU的交互處理。

      2. PIC

      基于Intel 80x86的PC使用兩片8259A級聯(lián)的方式組成了可以管理15級中斷向量的一個中斷系統(tǒng),下圖是它的一個連接示意圖。兩片8259A,一片為Master,另一片為Slaver。其中Slaver的INT接到Master的IRQ2上。8259A有兩種工作模式分別為編程和操作模式。BIOS初始化的時候會先通過IO port對8259A進(jìn)行編程配置,在此之后8259A就可以響應(yīng)來自外部設(shè)備的中斷請求了。Master的IO address是0x20 0x21; Slaver的IO address是0xA0 0xA1。

      為了能夠正常的使用PIC來管理系統(tǒng)中斷,就需要對它進(jìn)行初始化。8259A支持兩種類型的命令字,一類是初始化命令字ICW1~4,另一類是操作命令字OCW1~3,其中每一個命令字的各個bit都有其代表的特定意義。下述是一個初始化Master的一個sample code:



      MOVAL,01000000B ;中斷類型號40H






      3. APIC

      Intel APIC由一組中斷輸入信號,一個24*64bit的Programmable Redirection Table(PRT),一組register和用于從APIC BUS(FSB/QPI)上傳送APIC MSG的部件組成,當(dāng)南橋的IO device通過IOAPIC的interrupt lines產(chǎn)生interrupt,IOAPIC將根據(jù)內(nèi)部的PRT table格式化成中斷請求信息,并將該信息發(fā)送給目標(biāo)CPU的LAPIC,再由LAPIC通知CPU進(jìn)行處理。下圖是一個基于Intel APIC的連接示意圖,如下圖所示IOAPIC上有24個interrupt pin,每一個pin都對應(yīng)一個RTE,所以針對每一個interrupt pin都可以單獨設(shè)定它的mask,觸發(fā)方式(level,edge trigger),中斷管腳的極性,傳送方式,傳送狀態(tài),目的地,中斷向量等。

      Programmable Redirection Table詳細(xì)格式如下所示:

      Bit Description:

      [63:56] Destination Field—R/W.If the Destination Mode of this entry is Physical Mode (bit 11=0), bits

      [59:56] contain an APIC ID. If Logical Mode is selected (bit 11=1), the Destination Field

      potentially defines a set of processors. Bits [63:56] of the Destination Field specify the logical

      destination address.

      Destination Mode IOREDTBLx[11] Logical Destination Address

      0, Physical Mode IOREDTBLx[59:56] = APIC ID

      1, Logical Mode IOREDTBLx[63:56] = Set of processors

      [55:17] Reserved.82093AA (IOAPIC)

      [16]Interrupt Mask—R/W.When this bit is 1, the interrupt signal is masked. Edge-sensitive

      interrupts signaled on a masked interrupt pin are ignored (i.e., not delivered or held pending).

      Level-asserts or negates occurring on a masked level-sensitive pin are also ignored and have no

      side effects. Changing the mask bit from unmasked to masked after the interrupt is accepted by

      a local APIC has no effect on that interrupt. This behavior is identical to the case where the

      device withdraws the interrupt before that interrupt is posted to the processor. It is softwares

      responsibility to handle the case where the mask bit is set after the interrupt message has been

      accepted by a local APIC unit but before the interrupt is dispensed to the processor. When this

      bit is 0, the interrupt is not masked. An edge or level on an interrupt pin that is not masked

      results in the delivery of the interrupt to the destination.

      [15] Trigger Mode—R/W.The trigger mode field indicates the type of signal on the interrupt pin that triggers an interrupt. 1=Level sensitive, 0=Edge sensitive.

      [14] Remote IRR—RO.This bit is used for level triggered interrupts. Its meaning is undefined for edge triggered interrupts. For level triggered interrupts, this bit is set to 1 when local APIC(s) accept the level interrupt sent by the IOAPIC. The Remote IRR bit is set to 0 when an EOI message with a matching interrupt vector is received from a local APIC.

      [13] Interrupt Input Pin Polarity (INTPOL)—R/W.This bit specifies the polarity of the interrupt

      signal. 0=High active, 1=Low active.

      [12]Delivery Status (DELIVS)—RO.The Delivery Status bit contains the current status of the

      delivery of this interrupt. Delivery Status is read-only and writes to this bit (as part of a 32 bit

      word) do not effect this bit. 0=IDLE (there is currently no activity for this interrupt). 1=Send

      Pending (the interrupt has been injected but its delivery is temporarily held up due to the APIC

      bus being busy or the inability of the receiving APIC unit to accept that interrupt at that time).

      [11] Destination Mode (DESTMOD)—R/W.This field determines the interpretation of the

      Destination field. When DESTMOD=0 (physical mode), a destination APIC is identified by its ID.

      Bits 56 through 59 of the Destination field specify the 4 bit APIC ID. When DESTMOD=1 (logical mode), destinations are identified by matching on the logical destination under the control of theDestination Format Register and Logical Destination Register in each Local APIC.

      Destination Mode IOREDTBLx[11] Logical Destination Address 0, Physical Mode IOREDTBLx[59:56] = APIC ID1, Logical Mode IOREDTBLx[63:56] = Set of processorsE 82093AA (IOAPIC)

      [10:8]Delivery Mode (DELMOD)—R/W.The Delivery Mode is a 3 bit field that specifies how the APICs listed in the destination field should act upon reception of this signal. Note that certain

      Delivery Modes only operate as intended when used in conjunction with a specific trigger Mode.

      These restrictions are indicated in the following table for each Delivery Mode.

      Mode Description

      000Fixed Deliver the signal on the INTR signal of all processor cores listed in the

      destination. Trigger Mode for "fixed" Delivery Mode can be edge or level.


      Priority Deliver the signal on the INTR signal of the processor core that is

      executing at the lowest priority among all the processors listed in the

      specified destination. Trigger Mode for "lowest priority". Delivery Mode

      can be edge or level.

      010SMI System Management Interrupt. A delivery mode equal to SMI requires an

      edge trigger mode. The vector information is ignored but must be

      programmed to all zeroes for future compatibility.


      100NMI Deliver the signal on the NMI signal of all processor cores listed in the

      destination. Vector information is ignored. NMI is treated as an edge

      triggered interrupt, even if it is programmed as a level triggered interrupt.

      For proper operation, this redirection table entry must be programmed to

      “edge” triggered interrupt.

      101INIT Deliver the signal to all processor cores listed in the destination by

      asserting the INIT signal. All addressed local APICs will assume their

      INIT state. INIT is always treated as an edge triggered interrupt, even if

      programmed otherwise. For proper operation, this redirection table entry

      must be programmed to “edge” triggered interrupt.


      111ExtINT Deliver the signal to the INTR signal of all processor cores listed in the

      destination as an interrupt that originated in an externally connected

      (8259A-compatible) interrupt controller. The INTA cycle that corresponds

      to this ExtINT delivery is routed to the external controller that is expected

      to supply the vector. A Delivery Mode of "ExtINT"requires an edge

      trigger mode.

      [7:0] Interrupt Vector (INTVEC)—R/W:The vector field is an 8 bit field containing the interrupt

      vector for this interrupt. Vector values range from 10h to FEh.




      3.《Undocumented PC》


      That’s all!

      關(guān)鍵詞: PICAPICIOAPICLAPI


