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            EEPW首頁 > 嵌入式系統 > 設計應用 > 用IAR如何把程序下載到430單片機指定存儲單元中


            作者: 時間:2016-11-13 來源:網絡 收藏



            // ************************************************
            // XLINK configuration file for MSP430G2553
            // Copyright 1996-2010 IAR Systems AB
            // $Revision: $
            // ************************************************

            // ---------------------------------------------------------
            // Description

            // Usage:
            // xlink [file file ...] -f lnk430g2553.xcl
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Device summary

            // Core: MSP430
            // Interrupt vectors: 16
            // Peripheral units: 0-01FF
            // Information memory (FLASH): 1000-10FF
            // Read/write memory (RAM): 0200-03FF
            // Read-only memory (FLASH): C000-FFFF

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Segments

            // -------------------------------------
            // Data read/write segments (RAM)

            // segment Usage
            // ------- --------------------------
            // DATA16_Z Data initialized to zero
            // DATA16_I Data initialized by copying from DATA16_ID
            // DATA16_N Data defined using __no_init
            // DATA16_HEAP The heap used by malloc and free
            // CSTACK Runtime stack
            // TLS16_I Thread-local storage for main thread
            // (require custom runtime library)

            // -------------------------------------
            // Program and data read-only segments (FLASH)

            // segment Usage
            // ------- --------------------------
            // DATA16_C Constant data, including string literals
            // DATA16_ID initializers for DATA_I
            // INFO Information memory
            // INFOA Information memory, bank A
            // INFOB Information memory, bank B
            // INFOC Information memory, bank C
            // INFOD Information memory, bank D
            // CSTART Program startup code
            // CODE Program code
            // ISR_CODE Program code for interrupt service routines
            // DIFUNCT Dynamic initialization vector used by C++
            // CHECKSUM Checksum byte(s) generated by the -J option
            // INTVEC Interrupt vectors
            // RESET The reset vector
            // TLS16_ID Thread-local initializers for main thread
            // (require custom runtime library)
            // Notes:
            // * The INFOx and INFO segments overlap, this allows data either to be
            // placed in a specific bank or anywhere in the info memory.
            // * The INTVEC and RESET segments overlap. This allows an application to
            // either use the reset vector provided by the runtime library, or
            // provide a reset function by defining an interrupt function associated
            // with the reset vector.

            // ---------------------------------------------------------
            // Configuation

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Stack and heap sizes

            // Uncomment for command line use

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Define cpu


            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Support for placing functions in read/write memory


            // ---------------------------------------------------------
            // Placement directives

            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Read/write memory


            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Read-only memory

            // -------------------------------------
            // Information memory


            // -------------------------------------
            // Constant data


            // -------------------------------------
            // Code



            // -------------------------------------
            // Interrupt vectors



