Boost driver for long LED strings
The long strings of LEDs commonly found in TV and display backlighting, street lights, and parking garage lights require a current driver capable of producing high voltages. This reference design provides such a driver using the MAX16834, and demonstrates how very-high dimming ratios can be obtained.
本文引用地址: is a reference design for a boost LED driver using the MAX16834 for long strings of LEDs. This application is for LED backlighting for large LCD TVs or displays as well as streetlights and parking garage lights.
VIN: 24VDC ±5% (at 1.22A)
VLED Config.: 23 LEDs in series (75V) at 350mA.
Dimming: As low as a 3.33µs on-pulse (3000:1 dimming ratio when the dimming frequency = 100Hz).
Note: this design has been built and tested. However, detailed testing has not occurred and there may be nuances that are yet to be discovered.
More detailed image (PDF, 3.53MB)
Figure 1. The LED driver board.
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Figure 2. Schematic of the LED driver.
More detailed image (PDF, 2.85MB)
Figure 3. Layout of the LED driver.
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Figure 4. Bill of materials.
More detailed image (PDF, 900kB)
Figure 5. Design spreadsheet. To get the spreadsheet for use in your design, contact your local Maxim sales office.