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            EEPW首頁 > 光電顯示 > 設計應用 > PWM反激型電源轉換方案


            作者: 時間:2011-12-08 來源:網(wǎng)絡 收藏

            Fairchild 公司的FAN6754 是高度集成的綠色模式(Green-Mode) 控制器,以增強反激器的性能.為了最小化待機功耗, 綠色模式功能提供關時調制,連續(xù)降低輕負載的開關頻率.工作電流1.7mA,固定頻率為65KHz,可線性地降低到22KHz,主要用于通用開關(SMPS)和包括適配器在內的反激式電源器.本文介紹FAN6754主要特性,方框圖以及應用電路.
            FAN6754: Highly Integrated Green-Mode Controller

            The highly integrated FAN6754 PWM controller provides several features to enhance the performance of flyback converters. To minimize standby power consumption, a proprietary green-mode function provides off-time modulation to continuously decrease the switching frequency under light-load conditions.

            Under zero-load and very light-load conditions, FAN6754 saves PWM pulses by entering deep burst mode. This burst mode function enables the power supply to meet international power conservation requirements.

            FAN6754 integrates a frequency-hopping function internally to reduce EMI emission of a power supply with minimum line filters. Built-in synchronized slope compensation is accomplished by, proprietary internal compensation for constant output power limit over universal AC input range. Also, the gate output is clamped at 13V to protect the external MOSFET from over-voltage damage.

            Other protection functions include AC input brownout protection with hysteresis and VDD over-voltage protection. For over-temperature protection, an external NTC thermistor can be applied to sense the external switcher’s temperature. When VDD OVP or OTP are activated, an internal latch circuit is used to latch-off the controller. The latch mode is reset when the VDD supply is removed.

            FAN6754 is available in an 8-pin SOP package.


            High-Voltage Startup

            AC Input Brownout Protection with Hysteresis

            Low Operating Current: 1.7mA

            Linearly Decreasing PWM Frequency to 22KHz

            Frequency Hopping to Reduce EMI Emission

            Fixed PWM Frequency: 65KHz

            Peak-Current-Mode Control

            Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting

            Leading-Edge Blanking (LEB)

            Internal Open-Loop Protection

            GATE Output Maximum Voltage Clamp: 13V

            VDD Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)

            VDD Over-Voltage Protection (OVP)

            Programmable Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)

            Internal Latch Circuit (OVP, OTP)

            Open-Loop Protection (OLP); Restart for MR, Latch for ML

            Built-in 8ms Soft-Start Function

            Constant Power Limit (Full AC Input Range)

            Internal OTP Sensor with Hysteresis


            General-purpose switch-mode power supplies and flyback power converters, including:

            Power Adapters





            關鍵詞: 方案 轉換 電源 PWM



